In front of their town hall, the mayors denounce “inconsequential and violent” attacks

After the emotion, the action. The mayors of France have called on the population and elected officials to gather this Monday at noon in front of all the town halls, invoking “a civic mobilization” after the violent attack on the home of the mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne) which sparked outrage across the country.

Unsurprisingly, the most emblematic of these demonstrations took the form of a “solidarity march” of a thousand elected officials and inhabitants in L’Haÿ-les-Roses, south of Paris. Mayor LR Vincent Jeanbrun walked behind a banner “Together for the Republic! “. “It is democracy itself that is under attack,” said the mayor in front of his town hall: “Stop, that’s enough. »

“Finally, this rather spontaneous gathering encourages us”

In Saint-Denis, around thirty elected officials (mayors, deputies, the president of the department, Stéphane Troussel, the president of the Île-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse) and nearly 200 people attended the ceremony, noted an AFP journalist. Nearly 300 people gathered in Brest, and some 200 in Toulouse.

According to our reporter on site, some 150 people also gathered in front of the town hall of Mons-en-Barœul (North), burned Thursday during the second night of urban violence. On the forecourt of the building, whose entrance is now condemned by wooden planks, the mayor, Rudy Elgeest, spoke in front of his constituents, thanking them for their support. “These destructions are inconsequential, they are reprehensible, they are violent. There’s no ”but that happened in Nanterre””, he hammered without being able to hide his emotion.

And to add: “Finally, this rather spontaneous gathering encourages us. The young people who did this, they shoot themselves in the feet. The counters that have been affected are the public services of all Monsois. »

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