In front of his supporters from Nice, Eric Ciotti announces that he is launching his own movement within the Republicans

After his defeat against Valérie Pécresse for the nomination Les Républicains, Eric Ciotti had made an appointment with his activists from Nice this Sunday. He took advantage of the presence of several hundred people, “his most loyal supporters”, in front of his office at the port of Nice, to announce the creation of his own movement within the party, “Right! “.

He explained that the exclamation mark was “a sign of pride”, reports the newspaper Nice morning, present during this meeting. The deputy for the 1st constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes adds: “So that everywhere, throughout France, he can bring together elected officials and activists. So that we say that the right is back, that it is strong, that it no longer apologizes. “

Monday, he will be traveling to Saint-Martin-Vésubie alongside the LR presidential candidate. At his headquarters in Nice, the elected Maralpine clarified: “We will lead, with Valérie Pécresse, a campaign in tandem. I want it and that’s my message to him. “

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