in Fréjus, a car runs over two children and their mother, then flees

Shortly before 10:30 p.m. Thursday evening in Fréjus, a car overturned on a sidewalk a mother and her two children at a roundabout, we learned from the firefighters of the Var.

The human toll of this accident is very heavy. A 7-year-old child taken to Fréjus hospital in cardio-respiratory arrest died, according to information from France Info. The 9-year-old was evacuated by helicopter to the Nice hospital center. The mother, slightly injured, was taken care of by an ambulance and also taken to the hospital in Fréjus. In all, 28 rescuers were mobilized.

The responsible car fled at first, firefighters said. Later that evening, two women were taken into custody, according to state radio. Both alcoholic and drug positive for one of them, they accuse each other of having been behind the wheel at the time of the tragedy.

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