In Dechy, a deputy mayor indicted for rape of a minor

The municipal council of Dechy, near Lille in the North, has been shaken since the beginning of the week by a particularly embarrassing affair: the indictment for rape and sexual assault of the second deputy mayor. According to Voice of the NorthTwo complaints were filed by a minor and an adult against the elected official who was placed in pre-trial detention.

The first complaint comes from a 16-year-old teenager for rapes occurring between January and March 2024. A second complaint also targets the 38-year-old elected official for acts of sexual assault on an adult man whose age is not was not indicated by the Douai public prosecutor’s office.

Elected in charge of security

The municipal elected official for ten years, notably in charge of security, was arrested and placed in police custody on Tuesday. The deputy mayor was then indicted for rape of a minor and sexual assault, then placed in pre-trial detention until June 11, the date on which the judge of freedoms will rule on whether or not he remains in detention. According to the Parisian, the suspect has, in fact, requested time to ensure his defense. A judicial investigation for the same leaders has been opened.

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