In Courbevoie, unemployed people create a “pop-up business” to find a job

” All for one, one for all. The traditional motto of the musketeers is valid in many areas, where collective strength and the union of intelligences are often much more effective than playing solo. It is with this leitmotif in mind that the project Les Entreprises Éphémères pour l’Emploi is currently working in Courbevoie, which offers around fifty unemployed men and women the opportunity to meet for six or seven weeks around the search for job, operating as a real business.

“There are lots of people looking for a job and it’s easier to do it together. The idea is that we are capable of extraordinary things when we pool our efforts, ”explains Alexis, an independent coach in charge with two other of his colleagues of supervising and motivating 52 people, until October 27. Most are long-term unemployed, over the age of 45, and many are executives. “This is the particularity of the employment pool, in our Levallois Perret agency, we have 50% of executives”, explains Belkacem Ihallaine, director of a Pôle emploi agency in Levallois-Perret, and who is one of the six agencies who contributed to the project.

An HR department and even a communication department

The small group operates like a real business, which has given itself a name, ” Activ’actors “. There is a human resources department, which manages absences and helps to rewrite CVs; a communication service, which welcomes guests or journalists a “Web” service, which will in particular monitor job offers that are not available on Pole emploi or traditional sites. Then, finally, two key services of the project, in charge of job search strictly speaking: the “face to face” service which goes door to door and “invites” companies to come and meet job seekers on site , and the “call” service, which will follow up with local businesses that have shown an interest.

“We are learning a new trade! enthuses Caroline, 46, of the “face to face” service, who originally worked in a purchasing department. Here she is converted in a way for a few weeks in commercial, for the good of the collective. “Not always easy” she acknowledges, but she considers the experience “very energizing”.

The typical day for these new kind of associates begins in the morning with a briefing, where everyone shares their progress. It is also in the morning that companies come to hang out, for an “open job”: they present their positions, and possibly follow up with interviews. In the afternoon everyone continues their mission for the collective, and at 4:30 p.m., we debrief, and in particular the face-to-face service, which must report on its miraculous catch, or not.

Open horizons and restore self-confidence

This mixing of skills and profiles has the effect, on some “recruiters of recruiters”, as they call themselves with a bit of facetiousness, to open up horizons. This is how Valérie, 56, press attaché, had an interview to become a business manager, a position she had never thought of before.

The ephemeral business also restores in others a self-confidence that they no longer necessarily had, after months, even years, without a job. This is the case for Pascale, 56, who had not been employed for seven years: “We are full of doubts, but the ephemeral business has allowed me to have more confidence in myself. I have nothing to lose, I have everything to learn. “There are measurable results, and others not. I was able to see an incredible transformation of people curled up on themselves who then regain confidence. It’s a real psychological springboard, ”abounds coach Alexis.

“I found much more than a job”

In terms of striking and stumbling results, the project is not to be outdone. This year, the edition devoted to young people in Nanterre resulted in 53% positive exits. On average, previous editions have 35 to 45% return to employment in the following month, and 60 to 70% within six months. In Courbevoie, two people have already “ringed the bell”, in other words, have found a job, another is about to get the precious sesame, and Valérie, for example, has already had four interviews since September 23.

And the results keep coming in sometimes long after the experiment is over. Hajar, 25, who participated in the Nanterre edition, found a job as a consultant in digital learning, at Altissima group, and co-opted two months after his former “partner” from the ephemeral company who was looking for a job. of graphic designer. The young woman retains very good memories of her “very beautiful experience”, she says: “You learn a lot about yourself, you develop a lot of skills, you learn soft skills and know-how. I found a job, but I found much more than that. »

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