In companies, stricter rules in the canteen and jars not recommended

No massive use of telework, but some changes at work. The health protocol in companies will change slightly to cope with the rebound of Covid-19, in particular with regard to the rules on collective catering and the organization of moments of conviviality, the Ministry of Labor said on Thursday.

In terms of collective catering, “in the absence of a sanitary pass in these places, and in the context of the resumption of the epidemic, we plan to return to a rule of 2 m between each person at the table, as soon as the mask is not worn, ”the ministry said after a meeting with the social partners.

The pots ? Not too

On moments of conviviality, the protocol will specify that these moments are “no longer recommended”. “If they are all the same organized, they must be done in the respect of barrier gestures, and in particular the distance of 2 m between each person when the wearing of the mask can not be ensured”, specified the ministry. In terms of ventilation, “an essential measure for preventing situations where the virus is spreading”, “it is necessary to ventilate the premises with natural or mechanical ventilation in working order for 5 minutes every hour”. “It is also recommended to carry out measurements of carbon dioxide in the air”, adds the ministry.

Nothing new for telecommuting

As has been said, with regard to teleworking, the government confirms that it is not considering modifying the protocol to date. Elisabeth Borne nonetheless invited employers “to facilitate its deployment, taking into account the issues of work organization, the risks associated with the isolation of employees, or even the difficulty in respecting barrier gestures”. Since September, the protocol no longer provides for a minimum number of days for teleworking. It provides that “employers shall set, within the framework of local social dialogue, the methods of recourse” to teleworking.

Adjusted several times, the protocol had in particular imposed for several months teleworking as a rule from October 2020. It had been “increased to 100% for employees who can perform all of their tasks remotely”.

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