In China, President Xi Jinping aims for endless power

To qualify his work, Xi Jinping no longer hesitates to speak of ” miracle “. even of “double miracle”according to the resolution on the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) adopted by the central committee, in November 2021, which affirms that the Chinese president has “put an end to absolute poverty” and maintains that “The people lead a peaceful and laborious existence: stability is the Chinese social miracle”. When he opens, on Sunday October 16, with a long speech, the XXe CCP congress, the Chinese head of state since March 2013 should continue on this register.

A rhetoric intended to make people forget that, since 2010, the growth rate has been lower each year, that 20% of young urban people are currently unemployed, and that the “end of absolute poverty” does not prevent “six hundred million Chinese [de vivre] with less than 1,000 yuan [150 euros] per month “according to the admission of the Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, in 2020.

At the same time, the country is locked into its zero Covid policy, which imposes restrictions in the daily life of hundreds of millions of citizens and a draconian quarantine on entry to the borders, and makes any movement from one province to the other risky.

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Internationally, Xi Jinping’s record is not particularly glorious either. Its flagship project of the “New Silk Roads”, which was to bring “happiness to the world and to all its peoples” bogged down and relations with the United States have never been so bad for half a century. But Xi Jinping is not one to question himself: “The most dangerous moment is when conviction begins to waver”, he declared in 2013. Against all odds, we must therefore continue to promise brighter tomorrows: “There is no doubt that we will be able to produce new miracles which will astonish the world and shatter its prejudices against us”, indicates the resolution on the story.

In line with Chinese emperors

For this, the party is preparing to entrust Xi Jinping with a third term as secretary general, which he will combine with that of president of the Republic and chairman of the Central Military Commission. However, to avoid any risk of a senile dictator remaining in power, as Mao Zedong was at the end of his life, his successor, Deng Xiaoping, had imposed, as early as 1982, a collegiate leadership and had the Constitution amended. so that no President of the Republic can exercise more than two terms of five years.

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