in Cannes, a man missing at sea is found… at the bakery

Battlegrounds Wednesday noon on the Cannes coast. A large rescue system was deployed in an emergency on the side of the boulevard du midi, west of the city, where a bather was reported missing. A Dragon 06 helicopter was even called in as reinforcements. But searches turn up nothing. It was only a few hours later that the man was finally found safe and sound. Not on the beach, but in a bakery, said the town hall of Cannes, confirming information from Nice morning.

This man in his thirties was with his family when the bathing ended. For some unknown reason, he moved away leaving his relatives to fear the worst, who discovered him much later in this business near his home.

Firefighters, municipal police and the National Society for Rescue at Sea were mobilized during this operation coordinated by the Regional Operational Center for Surveillance and Rescue of the Mediterranean (Cross Med).

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