In Brazil, the silence of Jair Bolsonaro and the roadblocks of his supporters

In Brazil, far-right president Jair Bolsonaro remained walled in his silence on Tuesday 1er November, almost forty-eight hours after his defeat by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who received numerous calls from foreign leaders congratulating him on his election.

While Lula’s camp fears that the outgoing head of state will refuse to recognize his defeat, with potentially deleterious consequences for Latin America’s leading economy, supporters of Mr. Bolsonaro are still blocking highways everywhere across the country. country.

On Monday, truckers and protesters began blocking highways in at least 11 states across the country, burning tires and parking vehicles in the middle of the road to halt traffic. Dressed in the yellow and green of the Brazilian flag – which the outgoing president has made his own – they waved pro-Bolsonaro placards and sang the national anthem, before being gradually dispersed by the authorities in certain regions.

Intensification of blockages

On Monday evening, Supreme Court Justice Alexander de Moraes ordered the police to immediately lift the blockades. Federal traffic police chief Cristiano Vasconcellos told CBN radio that roadblocks had been erected “all over Brazil”. He added that law enforcement had dispersed some of them, but warned that the task was difficult: “We raise one, and another forms. »

A blockage of the highway between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, October 31, 2022.

In fact, the blockages intensified on Tuesday morning. The federal traffic police reported 250 roadblocks, total or partial, in at least 23 of the 27 states of Brazil.

In Brasilia, security has been reinforced “preventively” near the Place des Trois-Pouvoirs, which brings together the presidential palace, the Supreme Court and the Parliament, in anticipation of the possible arrival of pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators. Access to the country’s main airport, Guarulhos in Sao Paulo, is also blocked and international flights have been canceled, according to the correspondent of World in Brazil, Bruno Meyerfeld.

Several roads were also blocked in Sao Paulo, the Brazilian economic capital, in particular that which connects it to Rio de Janeiro, preventing the departure of buses between the two cities. Santa Catarina (in the South), where Jair Bolsonaro won nearly 70% of the vote, is the state with the highest number of blocked roads.

Read the chat with Bruno Meyerfeld: “Lula’s narrow victory sounds like a warning for the left”

Bolsonaro back in the seat of the presidency, without comment

After losing narrowly to Lula on Sunday (50.9%, against 49.1%), the incumbent head of state – until the transfer of power on 1er January – self-isolated at his official Alvorada residence in Brasilia. He went Monday morning to the Planalto Palace, the seat of the presidency, then returned in the afternoon to his residence, without making the slightest statement.

This heavy silence, of which Lula had said to be ” worried “ from Sunday evening, reminds many Brazilians that Jair Bolsonaro has repeatedly threatened not to recognize the verdict of the ballot box if he loses. Already anticipating difficulties, Lula wished on Sunday that ” the government [sortant] be civilized” and understand that“it is necessary to make a good transfer of powers”.

This climate of uncertainty was reflected in the volatility of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, the leading financial center in Latin America, which, after having opened in the red, closed on a rise of 1.36%, after many variations during the session. The Brazilian real gained more than 2% against the dollar

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers To govern Brazil, Lula will have to negotiate and build alliances

Lula’s victory hailed around the world

“While the risk of short-term protests is high, that of a serious institutional crisis is very low”, however, estimated the consultants of Eurasia Group. The Mr. Lula’s victory was hailed around the world by an avalanche of messages from foreign leaders, from Washington, London, Paris, Beijing, Moscow, New Delhi, Buenos Aires to the European Commission. Many have expressed their impatience to renew solid and productive relations with Brasilia, after four years of diplomatic isolation under Jair Bolsonaro.

Many leaders took the opportunity to remind Lula how much the issue of protecting the Amazon, where deforestation has broken records since 2019, was a priority for the future of the planet. Main funder for the protection of the largest tropical forest in the world, Norway has announced the release of its funding suspended since 2019.

“Brazil is ready to resume its leadership in the fight against the climate crisis (…) Brazil and the planet need a living Amazon”, launched Mr. Lula in his victory speech. His government will have to restore resources to organizations monitoring deforestation in the Amazon, very weakened by the cuts in credits, the dismemberments and the total impunity of all kinds of traffickers.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Presidential election in Brazil: the joy of Lula supporters after the victory on the wire of their champion against Bolsonaro

The World with AFP

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