In Béarn, Clément Osé’s alternative way of life at the Légère farm

In our podcast Wait a minute !, we go on a report in Béarn, follow Clément Osé for our meeting “Head to Earth”. In 2017, the 27-year-old Parisian, graduated from Sciences Po, decides to join an eco-built and declining farm baptized “Légère farm”, facing the Pyrenees. Its goal ? Reduce your carbon footprint, become as independent as possible, and succeed in carving out a tailor-made life for yourself in nature, far from the consumer society.

What choices to limit the use of fossil fuels?

On this ten hectare farm, Clément and his roommates cultivate the fields and take care of around twenty animals. They continue to build the farm with salvaged materials. On this radical, alternative and collective way of life, Clément Osé wrote the autobiographical story Snow for Suzanne (Editions Tana). Our journalist Emilie Petit went to meet the young man. You can listen to her report in the podcast above.

To find the video and written report of our journalist, it’s here. Wait a minute ! is an original podcast by 20 minutes. You can listen to it on all online listening apps and platforms, like Apple podcast, Spotify, Deezer Where Podcast addict for example. Feel free to rate us and leave a comment on your favorite platform. To write to us: [email protected]

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