In a meeting in Cannes, Eric Zemmour appears with Gilbert Collard, his new take

At a meeting in Cannes on Saturday evening, Eric Zemmour took the opportunity to show off his new take among the RN troops. The MEP, Gilbert Collard was thus present at the Palais des Victoires, a room with 4,000 seats full for the presidential candidate, at the conclusion of his trip to the Alpes-Maritimes.

The 73-year-old lawyer, who was relatively marginalized in the RN, stressed that he had “nothing against Marine Le Pen. I will never say anything against her”, before praising her new champion. Eric Zemmour has meanwhile multiplied calls for “the union of the rights” between voters of the RN and LR, to “stop immigration and assistantship”.

Kebabs in the sights of Zemmour

After several highly publicized “squats” cases in the region, the candidate Reconquête! also denounced the “scandal” of “home invasions” and promised “the immediate eviction of the squatters without going through the courts”. “I don’t want kebabs in every village in France! “, he also dropped under the cheers.

Saturday morning, the candidate wandered for two hours at the Forville market in Cannes, receiving a favorable reception. He was surrounded by two defectors from the RN: MEP Jérôme Rivière and former member of Generation Identity Damien Rieu. Sensitivity close to Marion Maréchal, they have in common to invoke “the union of the rights”, the Catholic identity of France, and to judge that Marine Le Pen has “softened” in her anti-immigration speech.

The response of the National Rally was not long in coming. “The egos overheat and the betrayals bathe in all the rubicons of bitterness and childish jealousies”, lambasted on Twitter Louis Aliot, the RN mayor of Perpignan, who remained faithful to the Le Pen camp. Many elected officials and RN activists also post photos of Marine Le Pen with the hashtag #loyalty.

Le Pen always ahead

The candidate will have the opportunity to react this Sunday, during her appearance on the Sunday in politics program on France 3. Then next week, she will travel to Madrid with allied parties, to display her international stature. The candidate has already announced the presence of MEP Nicolas Bay in Spain, in response to rumors about her possible rallying to Eric Zemmour.

At this stage, the RN candidate remains above Eric Zemmour (around 13%) in the opinion polls, which place her neck and neck with the right-wing candidate Valérie Pécresse, often around 17 or 18% in the first round, but far behind Emmanuel Macron (24% to 25%).

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