In 2024, you should bring your mouthwash back to the office

After having received your Laptop and your badge, your bag will need to make some room for your mouthwash! The UFSBD (French Union for Oral Health) recently declared that brushing your teeth twice a day is enough, but that they could happily be accompanied by mouthwashes. While some colleagues bring their toothbrush and toothpaste to the office, few push oral hygiene in the workplace to this level. And yet, according to the ARS (regional health agency) of Ile-de-France, oral and dental pathologies affect the majority of the population. These daily baths could well save your mouth… In addition to masking the smell of midday parsley.

An ideal addition to your oral routine

According to the WHO, poor oral hygiene can be a factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. Beyond the good breath it provides, mouthwash is above all the guarantor of increased hygiene: “It will allow you to clean areas that will not be reached by brushing your teeth,” explains Romain Leclerc. , CEO of Cleanitude‘. This hygiene service provider has made the installation of mouthwash dispensers in businesses one of its main activities.

Romain Leclerc, the bearer of this original idea, explains the genesis of the concept: “It’s something that I saw a lot when I worked in South Korea. I told myself that this idea was far from stupid. It’s easy to use and install and pleases all employees. » This system is part of a broader desire to align comfort in the office with that experienced in teleworking: “We feel that there is a demand from employees to bring “home” to work and that also involves putting in place all this comfort linked to hygiene,” adds Romain Leclerc.

Of course, these baths that can be purchased in pharmacies and supermarkets should not be considered as the magic potion. “Mouthwash does not in any way replace the toothbrush,” specifies Romain Leclerc. On the contrary, it will complete it. »

Despite growing demand, this type of installation is still rare in France, since to date it only concerns a few Ile-de-France companies. Your employer may not be in a hurry to install such a service on your premises. In the meantime, it is in your best interest to spend a few seconds washing your mouth with fluorescent liquid between brushing your teeth. Your body – and your interlocutors – will only be grateful.

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