In 2024, I stop stealing from office fridges

It took a dark affair of the heating being cut off after a sandwich theft for the world of open space to finally open its eyes. The company fridge is a lawless zone where every day sandwiches, cans of ice tea and raspberry skyr disappear. Theft from company fridges is so widespread that it is very likely that one of you has already done it. But shush, we won’t say anything. However, as the new year approaches, it might be time to make it a resolution. These thefts, without major consequences at first glance, can ultimately seriously harm the working atmosphere.

Behind a harmless action, the disruption of office life

These thefts are hard to prove, to stop… and to understand. Julie Blais Comeau, specialist in business etiquette and business training speaker, explains that “there is still a big taboo on this question. And ultimately, we don’t really know the reason. Does the person who steals from the company fridge do it elsewhere? Are these acts linked to the growing precariousness in our societies? We really do not know. »

The phenomenon is part of a broader trend, the rise of incivility in businesses: “These behaviors are more and more widespread in the workplace, and this in all the countries where I have been able to give conferences (to the States -United States, Canada and France). People are cleaning less and less common areas, for example,” adds Julie Blais Comeau. However, there would be every interest in stopping these behavioral deviations: “It really harms the entrepreneurial spirit. Permanent distrust will indirectly affect everyone’s productivity and well-being. »

For companies that encounter this problem, the best thing to do to break the problem is to suggest that employees collectively draft company regulations. It involves them and opens discussions. “Rather than pointing the finger at employees and raising tensions, it is better to discuss with them, all together, to establish the rules of common life,” indicates Julie Blais Comeau.

If the problem exists on your premises, you could take this idea to your employer. But if you are one of these meal snatchers yourself, the best thing is to make a good resolution and stop. And if, incorrigible klepto, you are not sure you can keep your commitment, we suggest another good resolution: move to 100% teleworking.

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