Imprisoned on suspicion of terrorism, an ultra-left activist begins a hunger strike

“It is my political opinions that we are trying to criminalize”: in pre-trial detention since the end of 2020, Florian D., suspected by the anti-terrorism justice of having prepared “violent actions” with a group of “ultra-left”, announced on Sunday begin a hunger strike, demanding his release.

“Since this story only exists for purposes of political manipulation; since today I am left as a perspective only the slow destruction of my being, I declare myself on hunger strike since Sunday at 6 p.m., “he wrote in a letter posted on a site dedicated to his support, confirmed by his lawyers at AFP.

Incarcerated in solitary confinement

Since his arrest on December 8, 2020, Florian D., 37, has been imprisoned in solitary confinement and indicted for criminal “terrorist criminal association”. On February 16, he was denied house arrest. “I am currently only asking for my release while waiting to demonstrate the slanderous side of this shameful accusation”, he adds, despairing of being “buried alive in an infernal and permanent solitude”.

According to a source familiar with the matter, seven people are indicted in this case, and Florian D. is the last detainee. Considered the leader, he had fought for ten months with the Kurds of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Rojava, in northeastern Syria, against the Islamic State. “He informed us of his hunger strike, we respect his wishes but we are extremely worried that he finds himself in this extreme of refusing to eat to denounce the judicial treatment to which he is subject”, have declared his lawyers Me Coline Bouillon and Raphaël Kempf, asked by AFP.

Nicknamed “Free Float”

According to elements of the investigation of which AFP has knowledge, justice suspects him of having used his experience with the Kurds to form a group and envisage “violent actions” against police or soldiers. “Nothing validates the thesis developed from scratch by the DGSI (…) It is my political opinions and my participation in the Kurdish forces of the YPG in the fight against Daesh that we are trying to criminalize”, estimates Florian D., nicknamed “Free Flood”.

Before this case, the last known referral to the anti-terrorism justice for facts related to the ultra-left dates back to the Tarnac affair in 2008, for suspicion of sabotage of TGV lines. But the terrorist qualifications, the subject of a bitter debate, had been abandoned by the courts before the trial.

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