“important today”: Wüst vs. Kuchaty: Will the NRW election be a debacle for the Chancellor?

“important today”
What the “small federal elections” in NRW could mean for the chancellor

NRW-CDU top candidate Hendrik Wüst (left) and Olaf Scholz together in front of the press in Berlin in April.

© John MacDougall / AFP

14 million people are called to vote in North Rhine-Westphalia. And of course the result also influences the balance of power in Berlin. It could be another setback for Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst of the CDU is only a few percentage points ahead of his challenger from the SDP, Thomas Kutschaty. But the problem of the SPD man: As an opposing candidate, he should be much better known. Even the election posters on which he poses with Chancellor Olaf Scholz have hardly changed anything, it’s more of a problem, as political expert Prof. Ursula Münch says in the 274th edition of “Today’s Important”: “At the same time, it can But it can also be that Kuschaty and the SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia have a disadvantage from the fact that the federal SPD does not currently enjoy a particularly high reputation among the population because Olaf Scholz has scored better as Chancellor.”

Chances for chancellorship

Hendrik Wüst tries to position himself with the help of Daniel Günther from Schleswig-Holstein. He currently has a slight lead, which may also open up completely new opportunities for him, says Ursula Münch: “If Hendrik Wüst not only did well now, but also managed to forge a coalition in NRW, then that would already win him over in the Bringing the succession to the throne a little closer to the chancellorship.” But until then there are still a few years – and a lot of competition.

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Andrea Geiger

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