“important today”: Psychotherapy via app – useful supplement or dangerous gimmick?

“important today”
Psychotherapist Franca Cerutti on therapy apps: The human relationship is missing

Psychotherapist Franca Cerutti judges therapy apps and consultations in social media in “today important”.

© Amanda Dahms / star

Therapy places are scarce in Germany. That is why there are more and more apps that are intended to replace psychotherapy. But can this work? And how helpful is social media in dealing with mental health?

Getting a therapy place in Germany is damn difficult and often takes far too long. In an interview with Michel Abdollahi, psychotherapist Franca Cerutti explains in the 343rd episode of “Today Important”: “The fact is that people have to wait far too long for therapy places, even though there are actually enough psychotherapists who don’t get a so-called health insurance license .” Because the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians determines how many psychotherapists may be admitted in a certain area.

This is a huge problem because there is a demand for therapy places and the psychotherapists cannot meet them. That’s why Franca Cerutti demands: “The need should be recorded more realistically.”

Therapy session in your pocket

In order to offer an alternative to regular psychotherapy, there is now a huge range of apps that offer therapeutic advice. But caution is advised here. Even if Franca Cerutti does not demonize these programs, she emphasizes: “From therapy effectiveness research we know what ultimately develops the most effectiveness is the human relationship and no app can guarantee that.”

In addition to free programs, there are also some whose costs are covered by health insurance. All you need is a recipe. The positive thing about it is: “Especially apps that are even funded by health insurance companies have had to prove their effectiveness.” They are a useful addition to conventional therapy, explains the psychotherapist. Especially when external circumstances ensure that a person cannot go to treatment personally.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

The real problem under the hashtag #mentalhealth

Another alternative or supplement can be social media. There are more than 40 million posts on Instagram under the hashtag #mentalhealth. “Of course, there are a number of people who have no expertise at all or who simply think up things that they think could be helpful.” That can be dangerous. However, Franca Cerutti also considers both sides here. Because “sometimes it is the case that the right word or the right sentence at the right moment has an effect that can be helpful again.” So it can also be a good thing to post about mental health.

However, the psychotherapist has two wishes in order to avoid dangerous half-knowledge, some of which is spread on social media: On the one hand, mental health should be part of general education and discussed in school. On the other hand, she complains that experts who are actually trained in the field are too hesitant to use social media.

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