“important today” on Monday, May 9th: Win until the doctor comes – hospitals are sold out

“important today”
Win until the doctor comes – hospitals are selling out

Thomas Strohschneider was the head of a privately run clinic for many years

© Isabell Stauter / star

Private profits at the expense of all our health! Why a longtime chief physician is now settling accounts with the hospital industry and calling for a reform of the system.

“Many ailments could be treated without surgery,” says Dr. Thomas Strohschneider in the 170th episode of “Today Important” in conversation with moderator Michel Abdollahi. Strohschneider himself was the head of a privately run clinic for many years and has now massively criticized the financing system of our hospitals. “Private (hospital) corporations try to make a profit to stay in the market. Knee and hip joints are a typical example of trying to make a profit.”Because a flat-rate payment system applies here, according to the specialist in general and vascular surgery.

Hospital treatment as a luxury good?

The problem is that private hospital providers make their money exactly where billing is good. That means, according to Strohschneider, firmly terminated and clocked. The doctor wrote a book about this grievance (“Hospital on sale – Private profits at the expense of our health”) and settles it with the system:“People who may come from poor social circumstances, whose length of stay in hospital and whose extent of treatment is initially not foreseeable, are turned away. This goes so far that warnings come from the top hospital management to turn such patients away at the hospital door.”

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

He calls for political action to move away from too much privatization of hospitals. Because it cannot be that the free market has to regulate this.

“Victory Day” in Russia

In addition, Michel Abdollahi, together with journalist and defense expert Thomas Berding, looks at the much-anticipated celebrations of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the so-called Victory Day on May 9th.

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