“Import of ideas”: How to create a better work-life balance?


Status: 04/28/2023 05:38 a.m

Three-quarters of all Germans want a four-day week – but it’s still not planned. Other countries are already further along. The “Import of Ideas” podcast looks at how and where the future of working life is developing.

“No gain without diligence” or “time is money” – in the German language there are numerous idioms that propagate a strict work ethic. Hard work is considered a value in itself. Accordingly, everyday life today often consists of office presence plus constant availability. But these ideas no longer correspond to the wishes of many people in Germany.

Various studies show this. According to a Forsa survey commissioned by the online network Xing, the desire for more flexibility at work is the top priority among young people of “Generation Z”.

They want the option of being able to combine work, free time or vacation with sabbaticals and “workations”. If these wishes are not fulfilled, the generation is willing to change jobs earlier. 65 percent of them are not worried about the future. And they have the upper hand – because staff is rare and skilled workers are in short supply.

Future of “New Work” in California

Employers must therefore rethink in order to remain attractive and attract good employees. The current episode of the international podcast of the Tagesschau, “Ideenimport”, is looking for ideas for the future of work and the right work-life balance.

For this he looks, among other things, to California to the large US tech companies, which have long been considered a role model for the future of work – the “New Work”. One thing is clear: the trend is by no means moving away from face-to-face work.

But there is also a shortage of skilled workers in the USA, and whether companies like it or not, they have to respond to the wishes of their employees. ARD correspondent Nils Dampz explains what will probably prevail in the future.

Some employers describe the under 25-year-olds as the “generation after work”.

Three days of leisure, four days of work

Three quarters of all Germans would like to work one day less a week. However, there are no plans to change the Working Hours Act, even though many unions are already calling for a four-day week.

There are European countries that have adopted the model. The four-day week was enshrined in law in Belgium last year and is currently being tested in Spain and Portugal.

There is actually a lot to be said for the introduction, as shown by the world’s largest attempt at a four-day week in the United Kingdom. 61 companies took part and reduced working hours for months – with great success. Most of these companies want to keep the four-day week.

Because fewer and fewer people are opting for a job in the skilled trades, interest in new working time models is increasing.

Greater productivity, greater satisfaction

The experiment was scientifically monitored and evaluated. One result is that the number of sick leave and absences has fallen by 65 percent ARD correspondent Christoph Proessl.

Above all, the test shows that both workers and workers benefit from the four-day week. Employees are in better health and mental health – and productivity increases as a result. The bottom line: company sales have increased by 1.4 percent.

Search for ideas in the tagesschau podcast

For many questions that arise again and again in everyday life, there are guaranteed to be good ideas, possible role models and solutions somewhere in the world: How better to deal with sharply rising energy prices? What to do to eat healthier? Why do people in other countries sometimes live longer?

The foreign podcast daily News searches and finds them – together with the correspondents in the 30 foreign studios of the ARD. “Import of Ideas” aims to broaden one’s horizons and provide fresh ideas for new input in political and social debates.

idea import appears every second Friday. You can listen to the podcast anytime at home or on the go on your smartphone – every second Friday morning you will find a new episode on our website, in which ARD audio library and on numerous other podcast platforms.

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