“Imminent danger”… 90 trees felled on the edge of the ring road

The construction site began on Monday on the edges of the Rennes ring road. Led by agents from the Interdepartmental Directorate of Western Roads (Diro), this felling work had to be carried out “in an emergency” on the outskirts of the Rennes ring road because of an “imminent danger for the safety of local residents and road users. Located between an inhabited area and an exit ramp from the Villejean sector, 90 trees will be scalped this year, some of which this week. According to the Diro, these trees would be sick and threaten to fall to the ground in the event of a gale. The agents will also have to deal with weather that promises to be capricious this Wednesday with strong winds announced in Brittany.

Monitored for several years by the Diro, the trees have recently suffered significant degradation linked to their disease. “During a previous windy episode, one of these trees fell on the garage of a resident,” reports the Roads Department. After this incident, a complete diagnosis was established by a specialized company, revealing that 90 trees presented “a high risk of falling”.

Those presenting the highest risk will be slaughtered this week. The others can wait until the fall. DIR Ouest promises that it will set up compensation by planting three trees for each tree felled in the fall. Local species that are resistant to new climatic constraints will be favored.

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