images of the Israeli army’s hunt for terrorists in Sderot

BFMTV document. Located near the Gaza Strip, the Israeli town of Sderot has been particularly targeted by the attacks carried out since Saturday by Hamas.

The hunt for the last Hamas terrorists. BFMTV was able to speak with Chen and Guy, an Israeli couple who fled their apartment in Sderot, an Israeli town near the Gaza Strip, on Monday afternoon with their two children. They witnessed Israeli army and police operations tracking down Hamas members hiding in their neighboring building.

In images sent by the couple to BFMTV, we can see Israeli armed forces advancing in the streets of Sderot. In another video, Israeli soldiers are on the roofs of the building next to Chen and Guy’s. Shots are then fired.

According to our information, the Israeli forces deployed in Sderot are members of Yamam, a special anti-terrorist police unit, as well as soldiers from the IDF, the Israeli army.

Sderot, a town targeted by Hamas since Saturday

On Monday, Israeli soldiers were already surveying the area around Sderot, looking for terrorists who may still be infiltrating the territory.

Despite the IDF’s instructions to residents to stay locked in their homes, the couple and their children decided to leave at the end of the day, terrified, because their sons were very psychologically disturbed and afraid.

According to our reporters present on site this Tuesday, October 10, a column of vehicles is transporting Israeli soldiers through the town of Sderot towards the Gaza Strip.

Sderot is one of the towns that were particularly targeted by Hamas during the day on Saturday. While the precise number of people who died in Sderot is not yet known, at least 900 Israelis died in Hamas attacks and more than 2,800 were injured.

Hugues Garnier Journalist BFMTV

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