“I’m only a cook, I’m not a star”, laughs Ambroise, eliminated from episode 6

He left his utensils aside but kept his cap screwed on his head. This Wednesday evening, Ambroise left the kitchens of Top chef at the end of the sixth week. After working in pairs with Sébastien throughout the episode, his comrade has become his adversary. The test of the last chance around the salmon seemed acquired to him but the cooking of his fish was fatal to him. “You are on top for five weeks and as soon as you are not in it, you go out”, summarizes the candidate with 20 minutes.

To be eliminated on the cooking of your salmon when you are a chef who cooks your own fish, it is still a shame…

It really is the worst time to go out! It’s a shame and at the same time it’s a great lesson: it teaches you that you should never let your guard down. No matter the test, the slightest mistake can be fatal. When I see that the event revolves around salmon, I tell myself that it will be for me. I leave with a little extra confidence. But salmon is not a fish that I enjoy working with, I don’t really like showcasing it because most of them are farmed in Norway. I left with perhaps more cards in hand than Sébastien. But in the end, you must never give up.

Did you feel confident during the tasting?

I really wasn’t calm because I knew it wasn’t crazy. Where I was disappointed was that I knew I could do much better. This contest is treacherous because you only have one hour of testing and you don’t have time to mess something up and start over. Seeing that there were things a little wobbly, I hoped that there was something less good in front.

You say you leave with “a taste of too little”…

What is hard in this episode and this last chance is that I had the impression of having made a really great start to the competition, where I had a blast cooking the cuisine that resembles me. The taste of too little translates into this side where you are on top for five weeks and as soon as you are not in it, you go out. At the time of elimination, there is really frustration, what.

Did you speak with Paul Pairet at the end of filming?

We were able to chat, it was great. He is a leader who is really human, who has sensitivities with the people in his brigade. He had really nice words. In off, we discussed, he cheered me up and boosted for the future.

One of the particularities of this episode is the mixing of the pairs. Do you still retain something positive from your association with Sébastien, despite the defeat?

With Lilian, it matched well, we did a good job. So when you change partners, you have to get back into the mold right away, you have to get to know the other. With Sébastien, we got along really well especially on the human level but on the culinary level, we did not know how to create the link between our two kitchens.

In the first episode, you made an impression with the catfish. Was it a desire to put on a show?

The goal was not to put on a show because I have been cooking catfish every day for five years in the restaurant where I work. It’s a product I’m very familiar with. I find that there is a message in this fish: it comes from sustainable fishing, it is very abundant in the river, close to our home, it combines all the ecological qualities. It made sense to present it, it was like a business card to say that my commitment is sustainable fishing and ecology. I knew it was a bit provocative but it was more to talk about my commitments.

Before the start of the season, the chiefs said that the candidates had radical profiles. Are you okay with that?

Yes it’s not bad. I don’t know if I can characterize myself as a radical cook, but I have very strong convictions in my cooking and in my daily way of life. Food, the choice of my products, my producers, the impact I have on the environment, these are things that are very important to me. This can result in a certain rigor. It’s nice to talk about ecology but we need concrete actions. Inevitably, that makes totally different cooks.

You are already feeling the impact of your participation in Top chef in your life ?

There is life before Top chef and life after Top chef ! What I find great is that it’s a really great springboard. Suddenly, we put a spotlight on our work, we highlight our commitments. After the moment when we pass to Top chef, there is a huge step. We are really in demand, we are recognized in the street. Me, basically, I’m only a cook, I’m not a star (laughs).

What are your projects ?

With my partner Romain, we would like to develop our activity around fishing in the Loire: going for walks, fishing trips, cooking classes. In a few years, we would also like to create guest rooms, create a place around professional fishing in the Loire. I still want to keep in mind that my idea is to develop this concept on a human scale. I don’t want to get lost in the opening of 10,000 restaurants right and left. It’s attractive because these are proposals that allow you to see a lot of things but in my opinion, you are losing something in your main project. I want people to come and eat at my place, to share with them, to see them and I don’t want to get lost. My project is so close to my heart that I don’t want to scatter myself with concept stores.

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