“I’m going to kill you”, a man convicted of having threatened nurses with death

A 25-year-old man was sentenced Monday to one year in prison by the criminal court of Béziers (Hérault), for insults and threats made against health professionals. He was kept in detention.

He was arrested in Boujan-sur-Libron, near Béziers, and taken into police custody on August 26, when he had just been evicted from a clinic by the municipal police because of insults and threats against two nurses. He had notably shouted, indicates Raphaël Balland, the public prosecutor, “I am going to kill you, I am going to disembowel you”, while tapping on a protective glass.

Already sentenced six times

He got angry after a doctor refused to give him antibiotics. “He had already behaved aggressively and made similar comments to nursing staff on July 26, during hospitalization at the same clinic,” said the prosecutor.

The man has already been sentenced six times, between 2013 and 2019, in particular for acts of theft, rebellion and drug trafficking.

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