Illerkirchberg: 27-year-old is said to have killed a girl with a knife (video)

Watch the video: Fatal attack on girls: 27-year-old is said to have stabbed with a knife.

After an attack on two 13- and 14-year-old schoolgirls on Monday in Illerkirchberg in Baden-Württemberg, the 14-year-old girl succumbed to her serious injuries. That is what the police said. The 13-year-old is still in hospital with serious injuries. According to the investigators’ initial findings, a man had attacked the two students on the way to school in the morning and then fled. Police spokesman Wolfgang Jürgens: “During the initial investigation, we found out that the alleged perpetrator had fled to a neighboring house. We entered this house and took three people with us. They are now with the criminal police. And now the investigation is underway at full speed to determine what actually happened and what the background is and who is responsible for it.” According to the police, there were no further findings. Illerkirchberg is a community with about 5000 inhabitants in the Alb-Donau-Kreis, south of Ulm.

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