IG Metall is calling for 600 billion special assets for industry

As of: January 13, 2024 3:14 a.m

The new IG Metall boss Benner has called for government investments worth three-digit billions for the ecological restructuring of the industry. She envisions a special fund of up to 600 billion euros by 2030.

IG Metall boss Christiane Benner has called for government investments worth three-digit billions for the transformation of the industry. In an interview with the newspapers of the Funke media group, she suggested “opening up a special fund for the ecological restructuring of the industry.”

She named the figure as “500 to 600 billion euros by 2030”. This sum will be necessary for the expansion of renewable energies and the development of the hydrogen infrastructure to be successful.

“These investments are in the national interest”

“The industry is in the most critical phase since the founding of the Federal Republic. A strong industry with good and secure jobs means prosperity and stable democracy,” said Benner.

Germany still has one of the lowest unemployment rates among industrialized countries. “But we urgently need to drive big stakes and make the right decisions if we want to prevent things from slipping.”

The special industrial fund must be anchored in a “watertight” manner in the Basic Law, demanded Benner. “These investments are in the national interest. All democratic parties are called upon to rally behind them.”

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