If you want to see Nutella at the top, you have to turn the table – economy

A good ten years ago, national players Manuel Neuer, Mats Hummels and Mesut Özil spread a good layer of Nutella on their bread in advertising clips. It must have been clear to the footballers even then that Nutella is not the healthiest start to the day. In one clip, Manuel Neuer even stretched a Nutella jar into the sky as if he had won the world championship. However, if you want to see Nutella at the top, you have to turn the table.

Öko-Test magazine tested 21 nut nougat creams. The staggering result: Nutella takes the very last place. Ironically, the best-known spread is the unhealthiest. Too much fat, too much sugar, not enough hazelnuts. Plus artificial flavorings. Set, six! It comes as no surprise to anyone that Nutella isn’t healthy. But that it is dragged through the mud must be an outrageous provocation for the fans of the brown cream.

Sure, Nutella divides minds. Not even the article is clarified. When there is a glass of Nutella at the breakfast table, the joy is great – until one question is asked: Will you please pass me the Nutella? The Nutella? It’s called the Nutella! In fact, according to Duden, both are possible, but then the dispute has already flared up. Nutella can be found in every supermarket. Children tug at their parents’ arms, they want to eat the Ferrero cream. But often enough parents want to be consistent at the moment. It’s a highlight for the kids when they can secretly smear nut nougat cream on their rolls in the holiday care. Maybe that’s what makes it so appealing: the parents’ no.

It only gets worse when mom sees eco-influencers on Instagram showing how to make hazelnut cream yourself. Encouraged to serve up something healthy for the kids and to get rid of the nagging questions about Nutella in the supermarket once and for all, Mama gets the mason jars out of the cupboard and mixes up her own paste. And raves about her creation for weeks: It’s also healthier. Just consider all the palm oil. Always the same tune. Children can no longer hear the sermon.

After all, mum decides the nut content herself. It will definitely be higher than that of Nutella. It contains just 13 percent hazelnuts. This puts Nutella on average, but Öko-Test also tested spreads that consisted of more than 30 percent hazelnuts. Milka’s nut nougat cream did very poorly, containing just five percent hazelnut mass. Does that still do justice to a nut nougat cream? Milka thus occupies the penultimate place in the ranking: insufficient.

If doing it yourself is too much work and the parents want to make the whiners happy for once, they should better use the cheap own brands from Rewe and Edeka. They take second and third place in the Öko-Test ranking. And Manuel Neuer would have to cheer with the nut nougat cream from Dm. The drugstore’s own vegan organic brand did best.

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