If you have these 3 symptoms, you should definitely refrain from exercising

1. Fever

Fever is the body’s natural response to infection or illness. It is important to note that when body temperature is elevated, the body is already Combating pathogens is busy and needs rest. For this reason, one should refrain from sporting activities during a fever phase. Physical exertion can increase fever and delay recovery.

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2. Severe headache

In general, physical exertion should be avoided if you have a severe headache. through the Exertion can increase the pain and there is a risk of dizziness or nausea. It is important to listen to your body and give it rest to avoid making the headache worse. In the case of mild headaches, on the other hand, exercise in the fresh air can even help to relieve the symptoms.

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3. Dizziness

Dizziness can have various causes, such as dehydration, low blood sugar level or even one overexertion of the body. However, it can also indicate more serious problems, such as cardiovascular diseases or neurological disorders. It is therefore important to take the dizziness seriously and not to further strain the body through sport.

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