“If there are elements”, Marlène Schiappa “hopes” for the opening of an investigation

Nicolas Hulot will not have the support of Marlène Schiappa this time. Came to talk wednesday night on
BFMTV domestic violence, the Minister for Citizenship was questioned on the accusations of rape and sexual assault against the former Minister of the Environment. If in 2018 she had taken the pen in the JDD to defend him against the first allegations, she said this time “to hope that justice will open an investigation if there are elements”.

The Minister Delegate further clarified that she had “not the elements” contained in the report of Special Envoy which will be broadcast this Thursday. “The prescription is for the judge to establish. And once again a woman was the victim of a rape and this one is prescribed but maybe the other not “, she continued while stressing” the justice is independent and I do not give any instructions to justice ”.

Hulot permanently withdraws from public life

Before the broadcast of the program implicating him, Nicolas Hulot announced Wednesday on BFMTV that he was leaving public life “definitively”, fiercely denying these accusations of rape and sexual assault. He explained that he wanted to protect his relatives and his foundation from the fallout from the “lynching” of which he said he was the object.

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