IDF shells Jenin, seven Palestinians killed

In Jenin, the attacks continue, and the human toll is growing. The Israeli army is carrying out a “vast anti-terrorist operation” on Monday in the city and region of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, during which seven Palestinians were killed, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Israeli forces are targeting ‘terrorist infrastructure’ and a ‘joint operations center’ in the Jenin area which they say serves as a command center for the ‘Jenin Brigade’, a local militant group, according to a statement released overnight from Sunday to Monday by the Israeli army.

In a separate statement released on Monday morning, the army said exchanges of fire continued in the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin, in the northern West Bank, territory occupied by Israel since 1967. Israeli forces targeted “a weapons production and explosive devices storage site,” the army said.

Seven dead and seven seriously injured on the Palestinian side

According to a new assessment communicated by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, seven Palestinians were killed and 27 others injured (including seven seriously) during these fights. In another incident, “a man was killed by (Israeli) occupation bullets at the northern entrance to al-Bireh, near Ramallah”, according to the same source.

According to Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, “terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians” were fomented in the Jenin camp. “We are hitting (this) hub of terrorism with force,” he told reporters.

“There are aerial bombardments and a ground invasion,” said Mahmoud al-Saadi, director of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Jenin. “Several houses and sites have been bombarded (…) Smoke rises from everywhere. »

The city of Jenin, located in the northern West Bank and the adjacent refugee camp are regularly the scene of clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians. The Israeli army regularly carries out raids in the region, a stronghold of Palestinian armed groups, which is theoretically under the control of the Palestinian Authority, chaired by Mahmoud Abbas.

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