Ichthyosaurs found in an English reservoir – this dinosaur could swim

Discovery in England
It is ten meters long, its skull weighs a ton: Giant ichthyosaur found in the reservoir

See in the video: The ichtyosaur from the reservoir – researchers discover “sea dragons”.

These are the fossils of an ichthyosaur. The reptile lived about 180 million years ago with its fins reminiscent of today’s dolphins. The animals could grow up to 20 meters long. They died out about 90 million years ago. The reasons are not known.


Ichthyosaurs lived 180 million years ago and swam through the seas. A colossal fossil of these prehistoric animals has now been discovered in England.

This ichthyosaur fossil is an absolute highlight for anyone interested in dinosaurs: it is ten meters long and the skull alone weighs a ton – British researchers have found the remains of such an ichthyosaur in a reservoir in the East Midlands. It is the largest and most complete fossil of its kind that has ever been discovered in Great Britain, the British news agency PA reported on Monday.

The East Midlands are a region in the middle of Great Britain, the biggest cities are Derby, Leicester and Nottingham.

The ichthyosaur discovered during a routine emptying of part of the Rutland Water reservoir near Peterborough is around 180 million years old. “It is a highly significant discovery, both nationally and internationally, but also of paramount importance to the people of Rutland and the surrounding area,” said Mark Evans of the British Antarctic Survey, the PA reported.

Ichthyosaurs lived in the sea

Ichthyosaur fossils, which were marine reptiles, were discovered in England by paleontology pioneer Mary Anning on the coast of Dorset in the early 19th century.

Discovery in England: it is ten meters long, its skull weighs a ton: huge ichthyosaur found in the reservoir

See in the video: The fossilized dinosaur egg is 70 million years old. Researchers call the find one of the best-preserved specimens of its kind ever discovered – and have coaxed a secret from it.


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