Ice bathing: This sport has a long tradition here

ice bathing
The sport has a long tradition here

In Russia, ice bathing has a religious background.

© Ruslan Kalnitsky/

Ice bathing is still trendy. In some European countries, swimming in icy water has a long tradition.

Put on your swimwear and jump into the cold water – ice bathing has developed into a real trend sport, especially during the lockdown. Jumping into lakes and rivers when temperatures are around freezing also has health benefits. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates the cardiovascular system and blood circulation – you are also guaranteed to be awake afterwards. While it’s a new trend for some, ice bathing has a long tradition in other parts of Europe.

Switzerland, Poland and the Czech Republic

Every year in February, an entire village storms into the Polish Baltic Sea. In Mielno, over 2,000 residents venture into the cold waters. At the International Ice Bathing Day, the participants even go into the water in costume. This has a long tradition: in 2019 the festival took place for the 16th time. In general, winter bathing is an old popular sport in many countries – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) is said to have bathed in ice-cold water.

Ice bathing also has a long tradition in Switzerland. The Coupe de Noël has been held on Lake Geneva in December since 1934. More than 2,000 participants are counted here every year, many of whom throw themselves into costumes. Since 1923, the Vltava swim has been held in the Czech Republic on Boxing Day. The participants have to cover at least 100 meters in the icy water.

A religious origin

In Russia, ice bathing has a religious purpose. The Russian Orthodox Christians practice it as a cleansing ritual – based on the baptism of Christ. It traditionally takes place in January every year. For this, holes are cut into the frozen lakes and rivers – the water is then blessed.

In Germany, ice bathing is widespread, especially in the North and Baltic Seas. But many people in this country now also practice the sport at lakes. Important: Do not go into the water alone. Because if there are circulatory problems, etc., nobody is there.

This is to be considered when ice bathing

When ice bathing, it is important not to jump into the cool water too quickly. Better to approach it slowly and get your body used to the cold. It’s best to take a cold shower for a few minutes every day – if that’s no longer a problem at some point, you can dare to go ice bathing. Don’t submerge in the water, it’s best to wear a hat. Do not stay in for more than five minutes, otherwise the body cools down too much.


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