“I was scared”, the declarations of the world champion to the investigators

it at We know a little more about the “penalty” investigation, the name given by the investigators of the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime to the investigation opened for attempted extortion of which Paul Pogba was victim. According The world, the French team midfielder told investigators that he had been taken by several childhood friends from his city in Seine-et-Marne, to an apartment in Chanteloup-en-Brie, a neighboring town. The scene takes place on March 19, on the sidelines of a gathering of the France team, when he was supposed to return to his hotel in Paris.

In this apartment, where Paul Pogba had to turn off his phone, two hooded and armed men arrive and take aim at him. One of his “friends” who took him to the apartment, Roushdane K. then asked the footballer for the sum of 13 million euros for the protection that he and his brother Machikour K. had provided him for several years. Including 3 million in cash. That evening, the four people indicted last Friday, in addition to his imprisoned brother Mathias Pogba, are present in the apartment. But three of them would have left the scene before the arrival of the two armed men.

“I told them that I was going to pay”

” I was scared. Both guys pointed their guns at me. Suddenly, being pointed like this under threat, I told them that I was going to pay. They were shouting: “Shut up, look down”. One of the two hooded spoke in Roushdane’s ear. When the hooded guys leave, Roushdane told me that I had to pay them, otherwise we were all in danger. Roushdane explained that what had just happened is normal when you are a famous football player. But that I had to pay because in addition, he had vouched, ”said Paul Pogba to the investigators, according to Le Monde.

The Juventus midfielder tried to pay the sums claimed, but his bank objected to the suspicious nature of the request. He nevertheless paid 100,000 euros in cash to one of the indicted, and assured the investigators that he had signed a document in which he undertook to finance investments in cryptocurrency by a transfer to a company. He also asked his Italian bank to transfer 13 million to an account in Dubai to make the transfer, before changing his mind.

Questions about the thinking head

According to the survey, of which The world became aware, Paul Pogba was indeed robbed of 200,000 euros by his trusted man when he was still in England. And transfers of tens of thousands of euros were made to two suspects indicted on Friday.

The investigation also suggests that among those indicted, several explain having been pressured: threats by three hooded individuals for one, the burning of his vehicle for another, or even a bullet in the hand for a third, when Mattias Pogba, the brother of the star footballer, accompanied by two suspects, were taken aim at the end of July. Which questions the investigators about the real mastermind behind this whole story.

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