“I saw holes in the stone…” The facade of a building threatens to collapse

Under the scaffolding, barriers, rubalise, and a “barred road” sign. For the past few days, this four-storey building on the very busy rue Léon-Maître, Feydeau district in Nantes, has been causing concern. Thursday, the occupants of its 11 apartments as well as the bar, located on the ground floor, were ordered to evacuate. The next day, the life safety risks were lifted after the building structure was checked. But the facade will require heavy work to prevent it from collapsing.

Benjamin, the manager of the Poulp bar, reports having given the alert in the middle of last week. Initially for water damage but also to report “several things that were wrong” in this 18th century building, whose stairs are fragile. “I saw holes between the tufa stone and the building, confides the one who was able to reopen his bar on Friday, but not his terrace, because of the security perimeter. The situation is now secure, but the architect told me that the work could take a long time, several months or even several years…”

Greater scaffolding from Tuesday

The services of the metropolis confirm the diagnosis. “Flaws were detected on the facing, with small pieces of stone that have already fallen,” says Franck Olivier, head of the hygiene department in Nantes Métropole. A large scaffolding will be erected tomorrow to support the facade. But it will then be necessary for the condominium to vote for more substantial renovation work. »

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