“I really thought I was going to die”… The professor threatened with death by a schoolboy testifies

On March 15, at the Édouard Herriot college in Chenôve, near Dijon, a 15-year-old teenager planned to “take revenge” and “crash” his English teacher who had excluded him from his class. The teacher in question was not stabbed but she “felt the pain”, she told the Parisian.

That day, around 3:30 p.m., the principal of the establishment received the schoolboy to arrange a meeting. As he gives him a letter, the young man takes out a knife. The director managed to escape and set off the alarm. The teenager then tried to return to his class but the latter was confined like the entire establishment, as is the procedure following the triggering of an alarm of this type. With the classroom door closed, the student remained in the hallway before finally being arrested. The latter was indicted and is still in pre-trial detention.

“I really thought I would die,” she told the national newspaper. It was 30 minutes of absolute terror. We were all crouched in a corner of the room, and I had certain students in my field of vision. I saw their tears flowing, their hands on their mouths, they were like me in a state of terror. »

This 52-year-old woman, who has taught in this establishment for eight years, says that in the days following this attack, she was unable to eat or sleep, being “overwhelmed by fear”. Two months after the events, this fear is “still lurking deep” inside her.

“Today, I need to rebuild myself and look to the future”

To overcome the trauma, the professor told the Parisian that she was being followed psychologically. Although she believes that she has been well taken care of by the police, she still remains “perplexed” about the support from the educational institution. She criticizes him in particular for a lack of continuity. “Minister Nicole Belloubet came to the college on March 18. I thank her, because we talked and it was moving. But after that moment, everyone returned to their task,” she said, thinking that there were “specialized units to take care of victim teachers.”

This teacher requested a transfer. She wants to continue her career because it is “in her DNA”. “The ministry offered me a one-year assignment to another academy,” she said. A temporary solution which, for me, will generate insecurity and precariousness. » Before concluding: “Today, I need to rebuild myself and look towards the future. »

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