“I lost the spontaneity of the human being”… Kylian Mbappé looks back on his daily life

It’s Saturday, and like every Saturday, or almost, you braved the elements to go buy your little baguette (a tradition not overcooked, around here) very fresh for breakfast. A banal race, carried out by millions of French people, which would nevertheless make Kylian Mbappé happy, who cannot, due to his fame, really go out to the local bakery for fear of seeing a crowd form in front of him.

The PSG striker returned to these little daily “hassles” in an interview with “Envoyé Spécial”, which will be broadcast on January 18 on France 2. The public channel broadcast an extract from the program in which Kylian Mbappé talks about what he misses the most: “I would pay so much today to do this kind of thing [acheter une baguette de pain], which look like nothing to most people. »

The former Monaco player sees this as a form of “fate”, where he lost “the spontaneity of the human being”. An element that was heavy for some time, before becoming his daily life. When asked by Elise Lucet what he would do if he was incognito for forty-eight hours, Mbappé replied without hesitation: “I spend my 48 hours outside, I do everything, things without thinking. Go eat quietly at a brasserie, go out with friends, party incognito, with no one coming to see you, the next day a good brunch in the sun on a terrace, admire things… Simple things in life. » And to conclude: “I have lost the spontaneity of the human being”.

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