“I had a crush on you”… She spots him in the metro, gets his email and dates him

She dared. On Wednesday, a young woman sat in line A of the Rennes metro. Right next to Noa, a young man of 19 years old. Looking for accommodation, Noa admits that he spends “a lot of time” checking his emails at the moment. A problem experienced by almost everyone looking for an apartment in Rennes. Except that for Noa, this search resulted in an improbable email sent late Wednesday evening. Signed by a certain Léa, the message entitled “I’m trying” is a real declaration.

“I found you super attractive”

The famous Léa explains that she was sitting next to Noa on Wednesday in the Rennes metro. Except that she literally flashed on Noa, who noticed absolutely nothing. Rather than miss her chance, Léa discreetly grabbed her neighbor’s email while looking at his phone out of the corner of her eye. A few hours later, she sent him a message. Not to offer him accommodation but to tell him this: “I saw you today on the metro and I found you super attractive. I had a crush on you.” Who hasn’t dreamed of it?

The young woman explains that she took advantage of sitting next to him to memorize his email address and contact him. Before concluding by asking Noa to give him her Instagram account (yeah, that’s the modern way of flirting with boomers).

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Noa discovered this email late last night and immediately posted it on her X account (formerly Twitter) where it was widely shared. ” I was not excpecting that at all. I post a little all my life on Twitter. When I saw the email, I didn’t think too much about it, I posted it because I found it funny,” he explains to 20 minutes. “I quickly understood that she was speaking well of me. Because I took the metro yesterday and got off at Anatole France.” He did not respond immediately to his admirer and fell asleep. When Noa woke up, she was surprised to discover that her nocturnal message had been a small success.

“Love-wise, it could be complicated”

The problem is above all that Noa absolutely did not notice who was sitting next to him and therefore has no idea who was sitting next to him. “I think I’ll answer him.” I really want to get in touch.” But the story probably won’t go much further. “In terms of love, it might be complicated because I’m gay,” slips the young man, almost embarrassed.

But unlike some Internet users, outraged that someone could “steal” an email address through a little discreet espionage, Noa did not take the scene badly. “I didn’t feel attacked or stalked. On the contrary, I even find that it requires courage.” If you ever read us Léa, know that you will probably have to find another crush. We have good news for you. With the reopening of metro line B, you will be able to meet even more charming boys.

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