“I expected to see hell and I saw worse”… Infiltrated in a psychiatric hospital, this journalist testifies

Patients high on medication, neglected, abandoned… To describe as closely as possible the reality of internment in psychiatry, journalist Alexandre Macé-Dubois pretended to be schizophrenic. In the book To drive you crazy, in the shoes of a schizophrenic (Editions Phébus) which comes out this Thursday, the thirty-year-old recounts his one-week stay in the psychiatric unit of a university hospital group in the north of Paris. And the least we can say is that the journalist paints an unflattering portrait of the state of psychiatry in France.

From the (false) diagnosis made in twelve minutes to his meeting with people of all ages and from all backgrounds, living their daily lives “with a lot of resignation”, the thirty-year-old returns in this video interview to His experience.

The video interview can be found at the top of this article.

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