“I don’t think it was smart to fire me,” says Stéphanie, eliminated in episode 6

Is Stephanie the luckiest or unluckiest contestant in the history of Koh Lanta ? This is the question that everyone is asking at the end of the sixth episode of the cursed totem during which the adventurer returned following the medical abandonment of Jean-Philippe. All that to leave 24 hours later (with two additional black balls in the pocket) because of the choice of his new tribe. “I think it sucks but it’s easy too. It was the best thing for the peace of the households”, she judges with 20 minutes​.

How were you told that you were coming back to the adventure?

I was told things not very long after my elimination, after only a few short hours of sleep. I was kindly told “well, here we go again” and nothing more. I didn’t know who was injured but I suspected it would be Jean-Philippe because I had seen that he had left with the Reds. On the other hand, I had no idea that it was going to happen, it was an immense joy.

Is the medical discharge of a competitor a glimmer of hope before flying back to France?

It depends on the candidates eliminated. We know the rules of the game and we know that when you jump before reunification, you stay three days before returning home in case there is a medical abandonment. Me, it didn’t occur to me because with my 48 black balls, I wasn’t in the mood to tell myself that I was going to be lucky. Whereas Matteo, when he came out, he prayed that one of us would break a leg (laughs).

You avoided elimination against Benjamin, you came back thanks to Jean-Philippe but you drew five black balls in one season… Are you the luckiest of the unlucky or the unluckiest of the lucky?

I do not know ! Rather the most unlucky of the lucky ones because I had the chance to stay in front of Benjamin and to join the adventure again thanks to Jean-Philippe but to do nothing! Just shoot black balls! So the unluckiest because coming back in Koh Lanta to continue my collection of pearls and go sit under a coconut tree, it doesn’t look lucky in my heart.

When you arrive at the reds’ camp, Ambre says that she finds that you are doing a little too much, adding “her job is to caress people in the direction of the hair and that’s what she reproduces on the camp wonderfully”. Do you understand it?

I want to internalize everything that I think at this precise moment! It makes me laugh softly. I think people make a lot of simple shortcuts. I’m a poker dealer so I’m a kind of Machiavellian thing… For once, Ambre has an analytical capacity that isn’t worthy of a poker player. She’s been on my purple team for a while so she’s seen me grow. She might have seen that I am always helpful and in a good mood. When she arrived on the purple camp, she went into Superwoman mode. “Wait, I’m hunting, I’m fishing, I’m going to look for cassava, coconut, I’m setting the table…” It’s the hospital that doesn’t give a damn about charity.

Did you know you would leave before going to the council?

No, I had so many twists and turns that you always have a little bit of hope until the end. I had a lot of hope in the afternoon but as no one came to see me, no one spoke to me, the percentage of hope was only 1%.

Could the plan to eliminate Maxime have worked?

I think it could have worked because Louana told me she had a little trouble supporting it. I had physically seen that he had lost a tremendous amount of weight since day one. I had seen him in pain on the test where he held girls up high with a rope. He was suffering, he was not appreciated by everyone in the team and he didn’t welcome me very well so he was a good target.

“Last arrival, first left”, is that a bit logical?

I think it sucks but easy too. When you have been in a team for a long time, it is easy to eliminate the outsider because there is no tension. It was the best thing for household peace. I don’t think it was strategically smart to fire me because I was the fittest in the world. But I get it, it was easy.

You keep smiling as you say goodbye to them. You had no resentment?

I saw it coming, I didn’t get a shocking takedown, knife in the back. That’s why I have no problem because I expected it. I was very unhappy at that time because I would have liked to prove that I was strong so there was a lot of frustration. But I didn’t have time to create links with the reds, just time to see the personalities. I would have liked to be able to send a little email to the yellow team to give them the information!

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