“I did not expect it so soon”, recognizes Alcaraz after dethroning Djokovic in his garden

Carlos Alcaraz won his first Wimbledon at the age of 20 on Sunday after a match in five sets and more than four hours against Novak Djokovic: a “dream come true”, but which the champion did not expect “so soon”.

How does it feel to be a Wimbledon champion?

Awesome ! It’s a dream come true. I wanted it so badly. I saw great tennis legends lift this trophy, epic matches and I always wanted to be one of them. But I did not expect to become so soon.

What changed the game after the first set?

The first set was complicated, but I felt I was playing well. I had a chance to take the break and several times I was not far from having others. But I didn’t succeed and that’s a problem when you play against Novak. In the second, I knew I would have my chances, I had to stay focused. If I hadn’t won that second set, I probably wouldn’t have lifted the trophy, I probably would have lost in three sets. Winning this second set proved to me that I was capable of beating Novak. But it is not easy to lose the fourth set against Djokovic and tell you that you are embarking on a fifth against him. A lot of statistics come to mind, like the ten years he was never beaten on this court. So without a doubt, this is the most difficult match I have won.

How did you last five sets against Djokovic at Wimbledon after physically breaking down against him at Roland-Garros?

I am a completely different player. I have grown a lot since that semi-final. I learned a lot from this game. And I used it for this final. I did things differently before the final, I prepared mentally a little differently. I managed to manage the pressure and my nerves better than at Roland-Garros. I never fell apart, I never gave up. I fought on every ball, until the last. The match was very long and I think it was my mind that allowed me to hold on.

Was it important for you to beat Djokovic at his best, in terms of history?

I did it for me, not in relation to generations in tennis. But it’s a great moment. To beat Novak at his best, in the final, to write history, to be the one to beat him for the first time in ten years on Center Court, that’s great for me. It’s something I will never forget. And it’s good for the new generation to see me beat him because maybe it will help them believe in their chances.

Is this the most beautiful moment of your life?

Yes, this is the happiest moment of my life. Maybe that will change in five years (smile). For the moment, I am twenty years old, I have not lived many comparable moments so I take advantage of it.

What did you learn about yourself?

Before this match, I wasn’t sure if I could beat Novak in five sets in an epic match like this. To stay fit physically and mentally for five hours against a legend. I will remember it now for other tournaments.

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