“I am a footballer and I am proud to be gay” … Josh Cavallo comes out on social networks

Two years after his compatriot Andy Brennan, who was the first professional footballer to come out in Australia, Josh Cavallo has decided to follow suit. In a video posted on social media by Australian club Adelaide United titled ‘Josh’s true’, the 21-year-old left-back decided to expose his homosexuality.

His powerful words could perhaps motivate other footballers to take the plunge. “I have something personal to share with you. I am a footballer and I am gay, ”he plants in the introduction of the video.

The weight of double life

“Growing up, I always felt the need to hide. I was ashamed. Hide who you really are to pursue your childhood dream… All I want is to play football and be treated like everyone else. I’m tired of trying to perform while leading this double life, it’s tiring and I don’t want anyone to experience that, ”the Australian detailed.

If he took a long time to make this difficult decision, he welcomes the positive feedback he has received since this coming out: “I thought that people would be different with me if I revealed the truth, that they would start saying bad things about me or laughing at me, but they weren’t. My boyfriend, my friends, my teammates, my coaches, all have been amazing. The responses I have received are wonderful. Which makes me wonder why I kept this to myself all this time. “

“I want to inspire people”

“I want to inspire people and show them that it is okay to be yourself and to play football, there is no problem to be gay and to play football,” he said. -he. I mean to people who are suffering, who are afraid: don’t play being who you are not, be yourself, don’t play a role. With this coming out, I am happy and proud to show who Josh Cavallo is, the real Josh Cavallo. I am Josh Cavallo, I am a footballer and I am proud to be gay. “

The player has since received support from Adelaide United president Nathan Kosmina and his assistant coach Ross Aloisi, who said: “Before Josh spoke to me, it was clear that he was living with a heavy burden and unimaginable pain. To see him today with this weight lifted from his shoulders is magnificent ”. Hoping that his case we call hundreds of others so that finally the great taboo of homosexuality in football does not fall for good.

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