Hypochondria, how to recognize and manage it?

The constant worry about his health, the proper functioning of his body, is not an anxiety like any other. If there are millions of anxious people in our country, there are however less than 2% of the population “really” affected by this mental disorder, estimates Antoine Spath, the speaker of our audio meeting “La Bulle” , a one-on-one to discuss what is not going well in our lives. Antoine Spath is a clinical psychologist and co-author of Do you think it’s serious? Small treatise for the use of hypochondriacs who want to get out of itwith the collaboration of Caroline Michel, Larousse editions (2021).

When fear becomes irrational

How to recognize the “real” hypochondria of anxiety, when 13% of French people polled by a 2014 Ifop poll consider themselves to be hypochondriacs? When and how does hypochondria arise in our lives? How do you distance yourself from her? These are the questions of this interview to listen to for free above.

Hypochondria, if it can rot the life of the person who suffers from it, and of those around him, undoubtedly has things to reveal to us. She questions about oneself, one’s psychic wounds, one’s childhood, the stress everyday life suffered, his relationship to life too. Because hypochondria is a sign that we want to enjoy our life, but without really knowing how, reminds the psychologist. But, the more questions there are, the more answers there are to get better, he underlines.

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