Husband’s release request rejected again

Cédric Jubillar remains in prison for the time being. The judge of freedoms and detention (JLD) of Toulouse has just rejected his request for release filed on Tuesday, August 24, confirms to 20 minutes Jean-Baptiste Alary, one of the lawyers of the husband of the nurse who disappeared in the Tarn. The defenders of the one who has been imprisoned since his indictment for “murder on a spouse” on June 18, also confirm that they are appealing this decision to the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal.

Will it be a public hearing like on July 6 when the suspect appealed unsuccessfully to his remand in custody? No indication for the moment on the date of this new hearing.

The duvet riddle

The arguments of the husband’s lawyers for release are, however, known. They are surprised at first that the examining magistrates did not plan to hear their client until “the month of October”. They also revealed last week that the duvet of the sofa on which Delphine Jubillar slept, presented as a dependent item in June because the gendarmes saw it in the family washing machine on the morning of the disappearance, did not had only been sent for analysis at the end of July. Finally, they believe that other avenues have not been sufficiently explored, such as that of a man who accused himself of the murder in an SMS sent to his companion.

Delphine Jubillar, mother of two children, disappeared from her home in Cagnac-les-Mines on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. The investigation has since shown that the couple was in the process of divorce, that Cédric Jubillar had discovered the existence of a lover and uttered before several witnesses, including his mother, threats against his wife. Despite the intense searches by the gendarmes, no trace of Delphine Jubillar has been found since the night of her disappearance.

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