Hunters “have a role to play in community policing,” says their president Willy Schraen

Is it a controversy launched to drive out another, or a sincere intention? A few days after having affirmed ” I don’t give a damn about regulating “, The president of the National Federation of Hunters Willy Schraen proposes,
in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche, a “partnership” with local elected officials in order to fight “against rural and environmental delinquency”.

“I think that in terms of community policing, the departmental federations of hunters have a role to play in contributing to the prevention and surveillance of the territories”, he specifies, while he will participate in the Congress of Mayors in Paris in the coming days. He evokes the case of the Federation’s “development agents”, already called upon in certain municipalities to regulate “harmful species”, who could “have broader missions to deal with illegal garbage dumps” or the presence of motorized vehicles in the forest. “It would be a question of drawing up reports and finding flagrant offenses,” he explains.

On the controversy related to his statement live on RMC, where he claimed “I don’t give a damn about regulating”, Willy Schraen tempered by explaining that hunting was above all “a moment of sharing and happiness between friends” and that hunters were not “killing machines” for whom “hunting is only a business of regulation ”, even if they serve“ the general interest ”through their activity.

“If tomorrow hunting was prohibited, the animals would multiply, the risk of collision on the road would increase, and that would cause the death of hundreds of people,” he explains in the JDD. He thus judges hunting accidents “much too publicized” even if he “obviously deplores them”, whereas a motorist recently died after being shot.

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