Hundreds of people form up for the Walpurgis Night demo in Kreuzberg

Queer feminist demo “Take back the Night”

Hundreds of people form up for the Walpurgis Night demo in Kreuzberg

rbb/Stefan Oberwalleney

Video: rbb|24 evening show | 04/30/2023 | F. Drescher / M. cell | Picture: rbb/Stefan Oberwalleney

The Berlin police are on duty around May 1st with thousands of forces and expect the greatest challenges for the “revolutionary demonstration” on Monday. Hundreds of people took to the streets for Walpurgis Night on Sunday.

  • 650 people at anti-capitalist demonstration in Wedding
  • Queer feminist demo in Kreuzberg in the evening
  • The highlight on Monday is the “Revolutionary May Day Demonstration”
  • Wegner and Faeser urge peaceful protests

First demo in the afternoon in Wedding

Police are preparing for a lift through Kreuzberg

Police station at Kottbusser Tor is specially guarded

Wegner and Faeser call for peaceful protest

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