Hundreds of calls but no injuries… Brittany showered by torrential rains

Finally a lull. This Sunday morning, the people of Rennes were able to see a little blue sky. A ray of sunshine after a Saturday when the rain fell continuously. Placed in orange rain and flooding vigilance, the departments of Morbihan and Ille-et-Vilaine were particularly watered, even suffering from violent gusts of wind. In Morbihan, firefighters received more than 500 calls only between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. The emergency services intervened 90 times in the field, mostly for fallen trees on the public road and episodes of flooding of cellars or basements. Reached by phone this morning, the firefighters specify that the bad weather did not cause any injuries. Nearly 150 men and women were mobilized. In Ille-et-Vilaine, emergency services intervened about twenty times for the same reasons.

Orange vigilance was lifted this Sunday morning to come down to the yellow level. The river Oust remains however in vigilance flood of yellow level, specifies the prefecture of Morbihan. On Saturday, some municipalities broke precipitation records with accumulations approaching 100 mm. In the south of Brittany, it sometimes fell 30 mm in an hour. According to Météo Bretagne, 72 mm fell in twenty-four hours in Pleucadeuc, 69 in Vannes and 65 in Auray. Around 1,300 homes have been deprived of electricity in the region. Enedis specifies that the power supply was restored this Sunday morning for all sectors.

This episode is linked to the passage of “the meteorological river called Rhum Express which links the West Indies to Europe” specifies Météo Bretagne.

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