Human rights violations: Less dependence on China called for

Status: 01.09.2022 7:10 p.m

The German government welcomes a UN report on the difficult human rights situation of the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region. According to the Human Rights Commissioner, Germany must reduce its economic dependence on China.

By Claudia Plass, ARD Capital Studio

Massive human rights violations – these are the allegations of the United Nations against China. In its report, the UN Human Rights Office denounces discrimination against Uyghurs and other minorities.

The federal government welcomed the publication – and announced the consequences. The Federal Foreign Office called for all those arbitrarily detained to be released and for the allegations of the most serious human rights violations to be clarified by an independent party. The EU and the United Nations will discuss the consequences of the report, it said.

Human rights commissioners happy about the report

The federal government’s human rights commissioner, Luise Amtsberg, also stated that she was very happy about the publication of the situation in the Chinese region of Xinjiang. In writing, she shared that ARD Capital Studio also with:

We must not forget other human rights violations in Hong Kong or against the Tibetans. The situation also makes it clear how closely intertwined economic policy and human rights are. The fact that the United Nations are now also talking about possible crimes against humanity obliges us to act.

The economic dependency on China must be reduced. The Greens politician also called for the federal government to campaign for a supply chain law at European level.

Trittin: Change refuted by trade

Jürgen Trittin also wants that. We need a European supply chain law, said the foreign policy spokesman for the Greens in the Bundestag ARD Capital Studio: “To ensure that goods that come onto the market here are not the result of forced labor and other human rights violations.”

Trittin emphasized that a new China strategy is currently being developed at the Federal Foreign Office. At the same time, he criticized the policies of the previous governments towards China. The belief that change will come about through trade has now also been refuted by this UN report.

praise from human rights organizations

“We need a strategy that sees China as a competitor, often unfair, as a systemic rival and also as a partner on crucial issues such as climate change,” said Trittin. “But that’s a different kind of politics than politics believing that if you do well, the world will change for the better.”

Human rights organizations had earlier praised the UN report on China’s crackdown on minorities in the Xinjiang region. Human Rights Watch said the victims and their families, long vilified by the Chinese government, are finally seeing their persecution recognized.

UN report on Xinjiang: Federal government announces consequences

Claudia Plass, ARD Berlin, September 1, 2022 6:55 p.m

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