Huge success for the Hypersensitive exhibition, which is living its last days

The disturbing statues have perfectly deceived visitors. And the success is real. Launched in early April, the exhibition Hypersensitive, a look at hyperrealistic sculpture presented in the patio of the Nantes art museum had already welcomed more than 244,000 visitors this Friday morning. A record previously held by the exhibition dedicated to Charlie Chaplin, which brought together nearly 150,000 people. And which could still increase a little before the closing of its doors, this Sunday evening.

Presented as a “highlight of the Nantes cultural year”, Hypersensible and its thirty statues kept their promises, with rainy weather in July which must have further reinforced the enthusiasm. “These works offer us a unique encounter, reported to 20 minutes Katell Jaffrès, curator of the exhibition. Beyond the technical prowess, they will mobilize our emotions, like fascinate us. Faced with these people, who sometimes only lack breathing, there can be a whole range of reactions, such as identification, rejection, surprise, discomfort, etc. They send us back to our own feelings. »

After a weekend that promises to be busy (entry is free on Sunday, like every first of the month), the museum will be offering a new temporary exhibition from the end of October. It will be about painting with “a rereading of the work of Suzanne Valadon”, indicates the museum website.

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