Hubert Falco, mayor of Toulon and supporter of Emmanuel Macron, deplores the candidacy of Eric Zemmour in the Var

Zemmour candidate in the Var, the end of a suspense

After hesitating for a long time, Eric Zemmour embarked on the battle for the legislative elections in the Var, in the district of Saint-Tropez, despite an election which promises to be very difficult for his camp.

“Reconquest! is back everywhere in France. I will lead our beautiful and great fight alongside our 550 candidates. I present myself in the 4and constituency of the Var »tweeted Thursday, the far-right presidential candidate, who won 7.07% of the vote in the first round.

To explain his choice, the former columnist of the Figaro and CNews will hold a meeting on a Cogolin beach at 6 p.m.

He chose a constituency where he obtained 14.7% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, against 32.2% for Marine Le Pen and 24.1% for Emmanuel Macron. With one of its best national scores in Saint-Tropez: 22.4% of the vote.

The President of Reconquest! In particular, he will face a candidate from the National Rally, Philippe Lottiaux, and the outgoing Macronist MP Sereine Mauborgne. Sabine Cristofani-Viglione will also try her luck on behalf of La France insoumise.

Eric Zemmour waited several weeks before making his decision. He demanded many times an agreement with the National Rally, in vain. Some relatives, such as MEP Jérôme Rivière, recommended that he wait for the Europeans in two years, to avoid a defeat on his behalf after the slap received in the presidential election.

“He had in mind for a long time to be a candidate”however, assures the vice-president of Reconquest!, Guillaume Peltier. “Ultimate success is always preceded by trials and risks. His philosophy is Napoleonic, Bonaparte at the Pont d’Arcole always seizes the flag to lead his troops and set an example”he adds.

At the RN, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, former deputy campaign manager for Marine Le Pen and himself a candidate in the Somme, denounces the “off-ground candidacy” by Eric Zemmour. “It’s very late and a campaign needs to be prepared, you have to know the territory”, insists this RN executive. If he “shows up, he goes to the box”had also commented on the acting president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, on Wednesday.

Parisian, Eric Zemmour finally let his lieutenants embark on the chic districts of the capital, Sébastien Pilard in the 14and constituency (16and district) and Garen Shnorhokian in the 4and (17and arrondissement).

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