Hubert Aiwanger: The head of the free electorate was vaccinated

Hubert Aiwanger
Free-voter boss got vaccinated after all

Hubert Aiwanger is vaccinated now.

© imago images / Arnulf Hettrich

The Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria, Hubert Aiwanger, had himself vaccinated after resisting.

Hubert Aiwanger (50) has not been vaccinated against the corona virus for a long time. But that has changed. “I am now vaccinated against Corona and can still attend 2G appointments in November,” the head of the Free Voters and Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria now told the German Press Agency.

Susann Enders (54), General Secretary of the Free Voters Bavaria, had previously already hinted at in an interview with the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporationthat Aiwanger has changed his attitude: “I know that Hubert Aiwanger made the right decision a long time ago. And we will certainly notice that.”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (54) commented on November 11th during a press conference pleased with Aiwanger’s vaccination. He thinks it is “positive […]if one or the other has been persuaded “to get vaccinated.” I think it is a good signal that the whole cabinet has now been vaccinated. “Söder also expressed his” express thanks “.

2G in football?

In addition, Söder made an urgent appeal to the football world – and probably alluded to the discussion about the vaccination status of Bayern professional Joshua Kimmich (26), who had raised concerns in October. For Söder it is “not a convincing situation when 2G applies to the spectators, but the players do not adhere to it”.

“The situation is very, very serious and is getting more difficult every day,” said the CSU politician. The renewed corona wave is “also across Germany”. The prime minister believes that the main reasons are unvaccinated, increasing vaccination breakthroughs and “less willingness on the part of people to really see the situation as it is”. Bavaria had declared a disaster the day before.

“We need 2G nationwide in Germany – and wherever possible,” says Söder, who is looking forward to a prime ministerial conference planned for the coming week. NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (46, CDU) had previously confirmed on Twitterthat this was planned. “The corona situation is getting worse and worse. More and more people are getting sick with #Covid. That can’t leave us indifferent,” said Wüst, among other things.

Vaccination as the “only real chance”

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) meanwhile recorded more than 50,000 new infections within one day in Germany for the first time. Due to the current situation in Bavaria, Söder plans to expand the 2G rule (access only for convalescent and vaccinated people). He would suggest “2G where possible” and “up to the respective place, if distance is maintained, also 2G ​​with mask”.

In addition, he will propose “2G-Plus” for areas in which distances cannot be maintained, for example in discos. This would mean that in addition to proof of recovery or vaccination, a rapid test would have to be done “before starting the pleasure”.

“We need a vaccination for certain professional groups,” says Söder. You have to “vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate as the only real chance that we have and that remains for us”. That is why it is important to “advance the third vaccination”.


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