How to survive falling temperatures?

EDIT from January 6, 2024: Winter has decided to show up, and it’s curdling! For the occasion, we suggest you read again practical advice to get through this episode of cold without too much damage.

Next week, temperatures will drop more than 10 degrees nationwide. And Tuesday is expected to be the coldest day. Get ready to feel the icy wind slap your cheeks. 20 minutes reveals to you the five commandments so as not to suffer (too much) from the cold.

The layers you will multiply

“People tend to dress for where they’re going, not where they’re passing through. So, even when it is very cold, we come across men and women outside in thin pants because they are afraid of dying from the heat once at work,” notes Dr. Henry Pawin, dermatologist.

To avoid feeling cold as soon as you put a toe outside, the tactic is to adopt the onion technique by multiplying layers of clothing. Wearing two thin sweaters will warm you up more than putting on a thick sweater, because the thin layer of air between each item of clothing warms up and acts as an insulator.

Tights under your clothes, cotton or silk t-shirts combined with cashmere or fleece sweaters will help you stay warm. “And you have to remember to close your coat when you get out of transport or your car, even for a short distance,” recommends the doctor.

Your ends you will cover

But a warm coat is not enough, it is just as important to remember to cover your extremities well. “Hands, feet and scalp are parts of the body that are very sensitive to cold. So we put on gloves, good socks and a hat,” Henry Pawin prescribes.

“We also make sure to cover young children and the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to the cold,” he insists.

Your skin, you will hydrate

Between the cold outside and the overheated interiors, the skin is put to the test: it reddens, tightens, itches and peels as a result of drying out. It is recommended to hydrate yourself from the inside and out. Water, tea and soups are precious allies.

“The cold causes significant dryness of the skin. In winter, you should moisturize the skin on your body and face with rich-textured creams, says the dermatologist. And throughout the day, we apply it to the hands and lips.”

Your immune defenses will be boosted

Another effect of falling temperatures: the drop in immune defenses. A ten-day treatment based on natural ingredients will reboost them. “Every morning, dilute a teaspoon of acerola powder in a glass of cold water, wait a few minutes and drink,” advises Régine Teyssot, co-author of Grandma’s remedies: To heal yourself naturally (ed. La Martinière).

“Cures of spirulina or ginkgo biloba are also part of the arsenal to naturally strengthen your immune defenses,” she explains. “By following this treatment, the body is less sensitive to small pathogenic elements and viruses that circulate during the winter,” explains Régine Teyssot.

Your hands you will wash

If you were lucky enough to escape the flu and gastro during the Christmas holidays, stay on track by washing your hands very regularly. Good hand hygiene is one of the best defenses against winter illnesses, which spread very quickly.

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