How to protect yourself from colds – Regensburg – Nachrichten

It’s cold season again. A Regensburg infectiologist explains what helps – and when you should pay attention.

From Johannes Hartl

The cold season usually begins in November. Photo: CLARK / picture alliance / dpa / CLARK

Regensburg.The nose is blocked, the throat hurts: Autumn is traditionally the season for colds. But what helps when you lie flat? How do you distinguish a cold from the flu – or even from a corona infection? The Regensburg internist and infectiologist Dr. Franz Audebert from the Alte Mälzerei Practice Center answers the most important questions.

Dr. Audebert, when does the cold season start?

The cold season usually begins in November. Only this year it started earlier with children – we don’t really know why. There was also a lot more going on in the children’s clinic because the RS virus caused problems there.

What can people do to protect themselves from colds?

Dr.  Franz Audebert is an internist and infectiologist in a family doctor's practice.
Dr. Franz Audebert is an internist and infectiologist in a general practitioner practice. Photo: Uwe Moosburger

As we know, the face mask is something that provides excellent protection against other viruses as well. And of course, it’s a great way to avoid crowds. Otherwise, a healthy lifestyle and a bit of toughening up is an effective means, i.e. fresh air and exercise. It is known that regular physical activity strengthens the immune system.

Right now, the uncertainties are often great when cold symptoms occur, whether or not a corona infection is behind it. How can you differentiate there?

One of the symptoms indicating Corona is the loss of smell and taste. If these symptoms occur, it is relatively clear that a Covid infection can be assumed. And of course the risk is higher if you know that there has been an infection in the area. What we typically see is also that Covid infections are associated with severe headaches. Otherwise it’s hard to say.

Expert interview

Sports tips for the cold season

Even in winter you shouldn’t do without exercise in the fresh air. The Regensburg sports doctor Dr. Möckel says why.

And what about the distinction between the common cold and the flu?

The cold symptoms are often mild cough, runny nose, hoarseness. But unlike the flu, a cold is usually not associated with symptoms of high fever.

If you have already caught a cold: what can help to alleviate the symptoms?

There are various home remedies such as hot water with ginger, lemon and honey or ivy cough syrup. You can also inhale with table salt to help loosen the mucus. Of course, there is also the option of using medication to lower the fever, for example. Then your general well-being is usually a bit better.

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Are there any warning signs that you should pay attention to?

If you see that there is also a shortage of breath, this is always an alarm signal that you should consult the doctor. He can then also measure the oxygen saturation, arrange for a blood sample and further diagnostics.

How long does it take on average until a cold is over?

They always say, if you take medication for the common cold, it will take seven days, and if you don’t take any, it will take a week. This is, on average, the time frame for the immune system to respond well to a cold. If there are longer courses, it is important to check whether there is a Covid infection behind it.

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